FinSwitch Office
Telephone (08h00 - 18h00):
0860 FinSwitch
0860 346 794
Client Services Land Line (08h00 - 18h00): 021 657 9383
Main Switchboard: 021 657 9380
Fax: 086 679 7360
Postal Address:
PO Box 3149, Cape Town, 8000
Physical Location:
1 Mariendahl Lane, Mill House, Boundary Terraces, Newlands, 7700
Client Services
FinSwitch provides email support on:
and telephonic support on:
0860 346 794
021 657 9383
From 08:00 to 18:00 Business Days only.
Please note: FinSwitch has a small staff complement. If you cannot reach us by phone, we may be on the phone, or in a meeting, or out of the office. So please leave a message or email us, and we will respond to you as soon as possible.