Useful Login Tips
- You will be prompted to change your password the first time you use it.
- Passwords are 5 or more alpha numeric characters in length.
- Login ID's and passwords are case sensitive.
- Only 3 login attempts are allowed.
- If you get an error message "You have logged in incorrectly" then ensure you are in the
correct environment and type in the correct login id and password.
- If you get an error message "You have failed to login correctly after three attempts."
Contact your security custodian to renew your password.
- Your session will expire after 20 minutes of inactivity which will result in the error "You are not logged in".
- Always end your FinSwitch session by using the Log Out button.
How do I access FinSwitch?
From any page on the website, simply click on the appropriate Login button in the top right hand corner.
Is FinSwitch secure?
Security on the web is facilitated through the use of SSL (secure socket layer) certification. This uses the international standard of 128bit encryption to protect the data between the client and FinSwitch.
The user will notice that once on the login page the URL will change to HTTPS which implies the secure socket layer is activated and a little yellow lock will appear in the right hand corner of the screen
indicating that you are entering into a secure zone. By double clicking on this lock, information about the security certificate will appear. FinSwitch also has firewalls, virus detectors and other means of
detecting intruders or nasties!
What if the Internet is down? What alternative methods of communication have been provided as back up?
The Bulked Investor or ManCo is responsible for contingency over and above redundancy that is provided by FinSwitch. A separate stand-alone link to the Internet is recommended as well as a plan for
backup distribution of files (prices, transactions) eg. fax or email.
What happens if there is system failure?
FinSwitch has a comprehensive backup infrastructure, however the ManCo or the Bulked Investor is encouraged to have their own Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery Procedures.
How do I reactivate my user account?
Access the Live Login from any of the pages on the FinSwitch website and select Forgot Password. If your account has been inactive for more than 60 days please contact
your Security Custodian or FinSwitch Client Services.How do I receive notifications?
Click on 'My Notifications' choose the required notification and save.
What is the process to change a user's access to a Security Custodian?
Complete the Appointment of Security Custodian Form authorised by management. Forward it back to Client Services who will update the profile.
What is the ISIN number of a fund?
Known as the International Securities Identification Number, ISIN numbers are provided by the JSE the day the fund is registered.
What is the file format or spec for the different files on FinSwitch?
All files are *.txt (tab delimited) Spec available on request. Contact FinSwitch Client ServicesHow does a user know when a File Type is available on FinSwitch?
FinSwitch has an email notification service to alert users immediately when information has been uploaded to FinSwitch.
Why do I get errors when uploading files?
When static data is incorrect or does not conform to FinSwitch Spec.
What is WebServices?
A WebService is a method of communication between two electronic devices (machine-to-machine) over a network.
Contact FinSwitch Client Services for full spec.
Do FinSwitch files contain bank account numbers?
Does FinSwitch have a BEE Certificate?
Yes. Please contact Client Services for more details or a copy of our certificate.